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Take a Tour!

School tours are offered on Tuesdays at 3pm and on Wednesdays at 9am. Please give us a call to schedule a tour at the time that’s most convenient for you.

We are now accepting applications.

What is the Montessori Method?

Montessori is named after and based upon the principles established by Dr. Maria Montessori; it is the only scientifically proven educational system widely used throughout the world. Montessori schools are rooted in the understanding that each phase of childhood contains “sensitive periods”. These meticulously analyzed and documented periods denote phases of intense academic progression.

Principles of Montessori-based education include providing a prepared environment which encourages independence, self-discovery and expression, fosters self-reliance, emotional intelligence, and executive functions. Our school thus becomes a springboard to spontaneous exploration, self-awareness, and community building.


Education; for life | Toddler Education

One of the 4 main pillars of Montessori education is teaching independence. At HOMS, this begins as early as our Toddler classroom. Does your child eat with a spoon, drink from a glass, tong, spoon, or scoop food onto their own plate? Can they dress themselves? Is your child toilet trained? Do they make independent choices without asking if it is “OK”? Paired with opportunities to practice and experienced and patient teachers the toddlers in this environment thrive because they feel responsible for aspects within their community – the classroom.  Visit our Toddler (12 month – 3 year) page for more information on how to enroll today!

Education; re-prioritized | Preschool – Elementary School

The Montessori elementary classroom is built on the understanding that children at this stage of development:

  • Have logical, reasoning minds and are able to think abstractly
  • Have an active imagination to support learning
  • Have a strong sense of justice and fairness
  • Are building their social skills through cooperative work and learning
  • Need to be physically active

Is your child being taught how to take a test instead of how to actually understand what they are learning? Has recess, music, art, and gym education been removed from the curriculum? Are your children learning cursive (the best way for the brain to write)? Our teachers are trained in the Montessori method’s didactic materials, child development, and have undergone a rigorous practicum process. Traditional education does not include teaching grace, courtesy, organization, concentration, or independence. Schedule an observation with us to have your own experience in seeing the truth behind the Montessori method. We could tell you about it all day; but seeing is believing!

It’s time for something different… | Middle & High School Education

Would you re-live your high school years? Sitting in a small room with the same people, listening to the clicks of the clock all through the lectures, only looking forward to lunch… HOMS believed there had to be a better way for adolescents  to learn. There had to be a better way to construct responsible, kind, and productive teenagers.  In 2014, Harbour Oaks launched their Adolescent Program which serves children 7th – 12th grade. The traditional sit in desks and listen to the teacher method will not be observed here. Schedule a tour and see for yourself! Warning: you may see kids reading in hammocks, training the therapy dog , working together to plan their beach trip, or playing guitar, piano, and singing together. Oh, also, you may see them playing video games – one they built from nothing.


Tradition Mixed With Passion | Our Campus

Around the world, yes, world, many Montessori classrooms will look very similar; hosting the same didactic materials, miniature sized pitchers, and appropriate sized tables and chairs . However, the spirit of the individual teachers should be woven throughout the classroom in the environment and the focus on certain subjects. At HOMS, each teacher conveniently shares a passion outside of education for art, nature, animals, and laughter. Walking through you may see our goats munching on lunch scraps, the students gathering chicken eggs, someone petting the rabbits, or perhaps Mr. Pickles the iguana lounging next to someone as they work on algebra. We cannot wait to share the relaxing yet educational space we have been building here for almost 30 years.