Upper Elementary 4th – 6th Grade


“If help and salvation are to come, they can only come from the children, for the children are the makers of men. “ Dr. Maria Montessori

The task of any Montessori School during the grade school years is to assist the child in his own natural development. Lessons are taught that reinforce and expand on previous years from Primary through Lower Elementary with a new emphasis on abstract thinking. Another important component to the Upper Elementary curriculum is experiencing life first hand by “Going Out” into the local community bringing the outside world closer to the child. Sparking each child’s imagination through impressionistic lessons provides key experiences necessary for cognitive development. The study of the earth and all living things, the history of mankind, and marks of civilization dominate our cultural studies. A central recurring theme throughout the elementary program is the concept of the order and interrelatedness of all elements of the universe. The elementary program also provides opportunities for self -expression and education in relation to psychic development. We are preparing children to be independent, self -sufficient problem solvers.



History of Math
Advanced Fraction Work
Operations (+ , x , – , ÷)
Algebraic Decanomial Square
Binomial/Trinomial Equations
Cube Root
Problem Solving
Word Problems
Memorization of Facts
Systems of Numeration Measurement






Power of Numbers


Reading/Reading Comprehension
Mechanics of Writing (Cursive and Print)
Research/Library/Dictionary Skills
Written Reports
Creative Writing
Grammar, Sentence Analysis


Ancient Civilization


Political Geography
Economic Studies
Human Body Functions
Self-directed Research

Social, Emotional, Moral Development:

Manners/Grace and Courtesy
Community Service
Conflict Resolution
Problem Solving Skills
Team Building
Group Projects
Listening Skills
Time Management
Art Class/Art Appreciation
Music Class/Music Appreciation
Physical Education/Health
Spanish Class
Job Applications
Test Taking Skills
Applies Practical Life Skills
Optional Afterschool Enrichment Classes

“…the secret of good teaching is to regard the children’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination.  Our aim therefore is not merely to make the children understand, and still less to force them to memorize, but so to touch their imagination as to enthuse them to their inmost core.  We do not want complacent children but eager ones…”  Dr. Maria Montessori


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